Shawn Brayman

PlanPlus Global

Shawn Brayman is the CEO of PlanPlus Global, an amalgamation of two world leaders in Fintech solutions for financial planners and advisors – FinaMetrica and PlanPlus. FinaMetrica led the world with psychometric risk tolerance assessments and PlanPlus created the world’s first global platform for financial planning. PlanPlus Global delivers advisory platform solutions to users in over 30 countries and 12 languages.

Shawn founded PlanPlus Inc. in 1990 and has a post‐graduate academic technology and AI background as well as being a Chartered Financial Planner. He is the recipient of many awards from Best Retirement Planning Research to Risk Profiling in Canada & Global Best Practices by the OSC‐Investor Advisory Panel. He has served on the board of directors for the FPA and is a frequent speaker at global academic, planning and industry trend events.

Shawn has gained a unique perspective on challenges faced by individual practitioners and large financial institutions that implement advice driven sales channels. Having worked with firms in North and South America, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe – both experienced planning organizations and firms in the initial stages of introducing financial planning – has provided Shawn with a unique understanding of this industry and emergent profession.